Products composition catalytic cracking via aerosol nanocatalysis for modified Si/Zr- catalyst
catalytic cracking, aerosol nanocatalysis, mechanochemical activation of catalystAbstract
The analysis of experimental studies of the process of catalytic cracking of vacuum gasoil in conditions of the aerosol nanocatalysis technology for a new sample of the Si/Zr-catalyst is given. The influence of the process temperature and the frequency of mechanochemical activation (MCA) of the catalyst on the yield of cracking products - gasoline and diesel fractions is determined. The process of catalytic cracking of vacuum gasoil in the investigated conditions proceeds with high light-products selectivity and primary formation of the diesel fraction (DF). The maximum yield of the DF was 60%. The frequency of MCA of 6 Hz leads to the maximum of the formation of the gasoline fraction (GF) at temperatures of 350, 400, 450, 5000C and the frequency of 6.5 Hz is optimal for the maximum obtaining of the product with a maximum of 300 and 5500C. The temperature of the beginning of the catalytic reaction is determined. The temperature of ignition of the studied sample of the Si/Zr-catalyst in conditions of AnC was 3500C and at the increase of the frequency of MCA decreased to 3000C.References
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