Algoritms intellectual development of bragorectification setting




bragorektifikatci settin, fuzzy logic, intelectual algorithms, linguistic approximation


This article is about bragorectification setting as a complex object of regulation, operating under uncertainty. From the viewpoint of analysis and synthesis automatic control BRS is complex machine of consistent-parallel structure. The analysis of existing control algorithms, discussed the advantages and disadvantages of these algorithms. A single of the most effective approaches to management based on intelligent algorithm. A linguistic approximation of the input and output signals bragorectification setting . A database of rules, including not stationary, many communication parameters and control the complexity of the object. Obtain a graphical representation of the surface response on the flow of steam and mash. The appropriateness of the approaches to the implementation of effective management strategies. Powered way to solve the problem by using intelligent systems.

Author Biography

Дмитро Олексійович Стеценко, National University of Food Technologies, Str. Vladimirskaya, 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01033

Graduate student

Department of automation of management processes


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How to Cite

Стеценко, Д. О. (2013). Algoritms intellectual development of bragorectification setting. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(1(14), 51–54.



Technology audit