To the choice of temperature condition of production line of electrolytic production of magnesium
electrolysis of magnesium, flow line, lower titanium chlorides, factorial experiment, humidityAbstract
A mathematical model over of temperature condition of production line of electrolytic production of magnesium, working in composition a титаномагниевого production is brought. The ranges of possible fluctuation in the temperature of fusion of vehicles are shown by поточной tenches at the periodic serve of raw material. The variants of the practical use of the worked out mathematical model are offered at planning and exploitation of production lines for the electrolytic production of magnesium. After the increase of temperature of electrolyte in a technological cell on 31 °With, because of intensive массобмена in the volume of electrolyte, a surplus heat is taken through the elements of construction of electrolyzer, and the temperature of electrolyte during 45 mines is stabilized on a value, near to initial. At consideration of temperature condition of production line as factors, defiant deviation from a temperature equilibrium, into account arrival of heat with the chloride of magnesium inundated in a head vehicle and warmth of mixing of chloride of magnesium was accepted with an exhaust electrolyte, acting from a dividing vehicle The equalizations over brought in hired for the calculation of temperature condition can be used for planning of production lines of electrolysis of magnesium, and also for the current analysis of work of production lines, exploited in composition титаномагниевых plants. They can be taken for basis at system АСУТП software development workshops of electrolytic production of magnesium, поточная technology is used in which.
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