Development of polarization nondistructive control metods optically transparent materials


  • Наталія Володимирівна Качур V. E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics NAS of Ukraine 41, pr. Nauki, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03028, Ukraine



technical diagnostics, optical control method, polarization


The polarization optical control methods are described in the paper. The main purpose of the study is the possibility of improving the polarization optical control methods in two directions: possibility of the optical control method simplification with the purpose of its more efficient use in the production of optical instruments, and sensitivity increase. The possibility of using the polarization optical control methods for the detection of internal mechanical stresses in optically transparent materials, and also the possibility of increasing the sensitivity of these methods is discussed in the paper. The increase of control sensitivity is proved by the method of comparison with the control, conducted on the standard equipment with the traditional scheme. The developed methods are simpler to operate, compared with conventional control devices and allow to improve the diagnostics accuracy of mechanical stresses in optically transparent materials. The results can be used in the optical production for quality control of materials and finished optical parts.

Author Biography

Наталія Володимирівна Качур, V. E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics NAS of Ukraine 41, pr. Nauki, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03028

Senior researcher


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How to Cite

Качур, Н. В. (2013). Development of polarization nondistructive control metods optically transparent materials. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(5(14), 22–24.



Fundamental research