Methodological bases of management of technological complexes under uncertainty
echnological complex, uncertainty, operational management, strategic managementAbstract
Application of strategic and operational management methods for continuous technological complexes in different industries (chemical, petroleum, food) is considered in the paper. The purpose of the study is to develop methodological bases of management of continuous technological complexes, which operate at long time intervals under uncertainty. Such industries as food, chemical, petroleum are characterized by the complexity of technological process, variability of performance indicators, dependence on the influence of environmental factors. The combined application of strategic and operational management methods for technological complexes under uncertainty that allows to ensure the representation of management processes with the necessary level of detail, and promote strategic decision-making under conditions of incomplete and inaccurate initial information is considered in the paper. The given method takes into account the nature of actions of technological complex elements and environment, technological complex uncertainty, solution of difficult-formalized management problems of continuous technological complex, environmental uncertainty conditions. The method, proposed by the author, is recommended for using in the development of automated control systems for continuous technological complexes, including at the enterprises and corporations of the sugar industry. The research results can be also applied in decision-support systems for the sugar industry enterprises.
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