Definition of information uncertainty in energy
electrical distribution network, design, operation, uncertainty, fuzzy setsAbstract
The approach to solving the problem of initial information uncertainty using the fuzzy-set theory is given in the paper. The features of using the fuzzy approach to solving the problems in the design and operation of electrical distribution networks are considered. It is shown that, in the design, the main forms of initial information uncertainty are ambiguity, intervality, randomness. The method of defining these uncertainty forms using the fuzzy-set theory is given. The method of converting standard design tasks into the fuzzy form is given.
In the operation of electrical distribution networks, one of the tasks is ensuring the required electricity quality. In solving this task, there is the problem of defining linguistic uncertainty and randomness. The method of uncertainty definition in the fuzzy-set theory is given. The given approach uses achievements of deterministic and stochastic approaches, summarizes them within the single mathematical apparatus. In addition, it allows formalizing the linguistically uncertain concepts and on this basis forming new generalizing forms of analysis.References
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