Research of external of heat-resistant lining-up of converter environments


  • Виктор Олегович Шульга Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy Lenina, 226, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69006, Ukraine



affinage, lining-up, decarbonating, converter, lime, argon, natural gas


Questions are considered technologists gas of oxygen  affinage of non-rusting steel with the use of converters with the ground blowing out of gas. A argon of oxygen  affinage is conducted in the special reactor (type converter). Blowing is tricked into from one side at the bottom of converter through 2…3 nozzle, located horizontally on the back of reactor . The amount of nozzles depends on the capacity of retort. An important step on the way of increase of firmness of lining-up of converter of gas of oxygen  affinage was a change of refractory : transition from  periclase-chrome to the dolomitized refractories. Distinctive advantages of the dolomitized refractories is high mechanical wearproofness and neutral attitude toward cut-in silicon, unlike желтая periclase-chrome refractories, collapsing on a reaction. It is marked that technology of argon-oxygen affinage has a row of defects to which belong enhanceable expense of argon on melting, subzero firmness of lining-up of reactor and subzero for a converter redistribution productivity. New material of lining-up of converters is offered. The use of the dolomitized refractories for the lining-up of converter of gas of oxygen  affinage allowed to increase duration of campaign from 30 a to 90 melting.

Author Biography

Виктор Олегович Шульга, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy Lenina, 226, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69006

Graduate student of department of metallurgy of the colored metals


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How to Cite

Шульга, В. О. (2013). Research of external of heat-resistant lining-up of converter environments. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(5(14), 6–8.



Technology organic and inorganic substances