Assessment of the competitive functioning environment of enterprises-producers of fruits and berries products


  • Любов Василівна Михайлишина Uman National University Horticulture, Institutskaja Street 1, Uman, Ukraine, 20305, Ukraine



agricultural enterprises, fruit and berries, demand, supply, marketing channels, price


It is established that the potential fruit-and-berries sector in Ukraine is able to provide not only domestic needs but also produces fruit products for export and takes place among strategic sectors of the national economy. However, the development of fruit growing in the country is characterized by a number of negative trends. It was found that the major manufacturers and suppliers of fruits and berries are enterprises of Vinnytsia region, Kherson region and Autonomy Republic of Crimea, where there is a greater amount of agricultural enterprises in comparison with other regions. Agricultural enterprises are primarily engaged in production of pome crops and hardly produce berries and thus they are characterized by lower yields but a higher level of marketability of fruits and berries than in households. The main sales channels for agricultural enterprises are commercial enterprises and for households they are unregulated and roadside markets. The country has been neglected the most effective system of selling of fruits and berries production in the world such as wholesale and wholesale-and-retail markets. It was proved that the pricing on fruits and berries production occurs under the constant effect in most cases of discordant factors which include: supply and demand ratio, quality indexes of fruits and berries, time period and place of sale/ distribution channel, cost price of production and production distribution, solvency of population, level of taxes and other charges, etc.

Author Biography

Любов Василівна Михайлишина, Uman National University Horticulture, Institutskaja Street 1, Uman, Ukraine, 20305

Lecturer, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Systems 


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How to Cite

Михайлишина, Л. В. (2013). Assessment of the competitive functioning environment of enterprises-producers of fruits and berries products. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(6(14), 29–31.