Oil storages and main oil pipelines pumps database development





oil pipeline, pumping units, hydraulic characteristic, database, entity-relationship model


The object of research is a data model that characterizes the pumping units of main oil pipelines. The paper considers the creation of pumps database and their characteristics as a component of software systems designed to search for sources of energy saving in pipeline transportation of oil and oil products.

An overview of existing programs for calculating the joint operation of an oil pumping station and a pipeline is given. It is shown that most programs are inaccessible for analyzing the applied data storage technologies, or involve manual input of entry data without using databases. Comparative analysis of spreadsheets and relational databases is performed. It is shown that relational databases better meet the requirements of data convenience, availability, scalability, and performance. A physical model of a relational database is presented. The parent and child entities have been established, which make it possible to fully reflect all information about the pumping unit, namely:

– coefficients of hydraulic characteristics depending on the diameter of the impeller rotor;

– characteristics depending only on the pump make;

– classification of the pump by design or purpose. Relationship types and referential integrity rules are defined between entities when deleting or updating data. For data management, the SQLite system is proposed, which provides data manipulation in the SQL query language and does not require the development of additional software. The analysis of possible ways of organizing multilingualism using a database is carried out. The text of the SQL query is proposed, which allows to select the pump with its characteristics by the pump make and impeller diameter. A database structure is proposed that allows storing information about equipment for oil pipelines for various purposes, which makes it possible for automated calculations of complex technological processes. The pumping unit database is an open source project that is posted on the public web service GitHub

Author Biographies

Vitalii Buzovskyi, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, 112, Kanatna str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65039

PhD, Assistant

Department of Oil and Gas Technologies, Engineering and Heat Power Engineering

Mykhail Kologrivov, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, 112, Kanatna str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65039

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Oil and Gas Technologies, Engineering and Heat Power Engineering

Alfiia Antonova, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, 112, Kanatna str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65039

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Information Technologies and Cybersecurity


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How to Cite

Buzovskyi, V., Kologrivov, M., & Antonova, A. (2020). Oil storages and main oil pipelines pumps database development. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(2(55), 4–11. https://doi.org/10.15587/2706-5448.2020.212752



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