Development of a methodology for determining heat transfer coefficients under the existence of various boiling modes on a finned wall




finned wall, heat transfer coefficient, boiling modes, surface element – «fin-wall», numerical method, temperature field determination.


The object of research is the computational-experimental method of determining and identifying the heat transfer coefficients on the finned wall under the conditions of coexistence of different modes of boiling water that is forced to move. The peculiarity of cooling finned surfaces during boiling is that boiling is carried out on a non-isothermal surface. In this regard, the surface elements – «fin-wall», in the General case, can simultaneously coexist convective heat transfer, bubble, transient and film boiling. One of the problems that needs to be solved is the substantiation and development of a new method for determining the distribution of heat transfer coefficients on the surface of the fin during the coexistence of different boiling regimes on the finned wall.

Most methods of calculating heat transfer on finned surfaces are based on the assumption that the heat transfer coefficient at a given point of the non-isothermal surface is a function of only the temperature pressure between the surface and the liquid at this point. Experimental studies of heat transfer on the finned wall were carried out to test the method of calculation of heat transfer coefficients. The calculation part of the proposed method is based on the numerical method of determining the temperature field in the system «fin-wall» with a constant supply of heat from the smooth wall. Transferring, from both sides, to heat the heat flow permanently, with given geometric dimensions, cooling, and efficiency of heat conduction material fins to rotate the heat transfer.

The main stages of realization of computational-experimental technique are given in the work. Unlike most of the known methods for solving inverse problems, the proposed method, based on the use of three-diagonal matrix algorithm, makes it possible not to apply an iterative process to determine the heat transfer coefficients on the surfaces of the fins, which provides a quick result with a higher accuracy

Author Biographies

Vladimir Marinenko, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 37, Peremohy ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Nuclear Power Stations and Engineering Thermophysics

Boris Davydenko, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2a, Marii Kapnist str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057

Doctor of Technical Science, Chief Researcher

Department of Thermophysical Basics of Energy-Saving Technologies


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How to Cite

Marinenko, V., & Davydenko, B. (2020). Development of a methodology for determining heat transfer coefficients under the existence of various boiling modes on a finned wall. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(1(55), 37–42.



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