Calculation of quality of parts by liner dimension


  • Наталия Юрьевна Ламнауэр Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, Universitetskaya 16, Kharkov, 61003, Ukraine



quality, machine parts, accuracy, linear dimension, random variable, the distribution model


In this paper we consider the problem of obtaining a general model of the random variable of the linear size of machine parts. Construction of the general model will solve a number of problems related to the quality of manufactured products. The purpose of research is to find estimations of the parameters of the model, with using of order statistics on a small sample, and on a large sample to establish that the model is close to the true. The results obtained allow us to solve many practical problems of engineering technology. That is, prognosing of percentage of defective products. When manufacturing the product to find the lower and upper bounds for the size of machine settings and get the maximum quality. Also find the value of the linear dimension, on which is configured the machine to get the highest quality products. These results allow us to estimate the percentage of manufacturing an article by a particular technology with the highest quality possible. The results obtained allow having calculation formulas to evaluate different technology of manufacture of products and quality of manufactured products by the parameter of the linear size.

Author Biography

Наталия Юрьевна Ламнауэр, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy, Universitetskaya 16, Kharkov, 61003

Ph.D., associate professor

Department of cutting equipment and transport systems


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How to Cite

Ламнауэр, Н. Ю. (2014). Calculation of quality of parts by liner dimension. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(15), 24–26.



Quality of processes and products