Research of the role of investment and innovative activities in the process of management of medical institutions




management of healthcare institutions, transformation process, medical institution, investment and innovation activity, insurance medicine


The object of research is investment and innovation activity as a component of modern medical management. One of the problematic points is that the transformational transition from outdated management methods has caused the need to form a new management system, which should be implemented in all spheres of society's functioning. Even in those that were regulated only by government agencies. In particular, it is possible to talk about the health sector. But today, far from all medical institutions can show an effective management system of an institution. Therefore, there is a need to introduce a «new management» of health care institutions based on the use of investment and innovation tools.

In the course of the study, the following scientific methods were used, as a method of theoretical analysis when studying the foundations of the functioning of health care institutions and the approaches of neoinstitutional theory and the theory of transaction costs when studying the activities of institutions of medical infrastructure. As well as methods of theoretical analysis, comparison and generalization for a general analysis of the issue and for determining the properties of the management system of medical institutions.

The proposed work examines the development of the market for medical services on the example of Ukraine, along with state-guaranteed free medical care, in a correct and fair balance. Conclusions are drawn about the need to move from a system of exclusively budgetary financing of health care to a new budgetary and insurance model based on compulsory insurance. The importance of the search and development of investment funds, which will become the basis for the creation of a high-tech modern base of medical equipment and medical technologies, has been investigated.

Thanks to the research results, modern healthcare institutions will be able to more reasonably approach the issue of organizing their own innovative and investment activities; if implemented correctly, it will allow them to get additional profit and improve the institution's management system.

Author Biographies

Iaroslava Levchenko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Nataliya Solopun, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship


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How to Cite

Levchenko, I., & Solopun, N. (2021). Research of the role of investment and innovative activities in the process of management of medical institutions. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(4(58), 16–19.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Reports on Research Projects