Cavitation and abrasive resistance of low-melting metals
metals of ІA-IVA groups, resistance, cavitation, abrasive wear, microhardness, ratio, correlation coefficientAbstract
Results of experimental studies of resistance of low-melting metals Pb, Sn, Cd, Zn, Al, Cu with the melting point up to 1100ºC exposed to cavitation and rigid abrasive particles are given in the paper. Cavitation was created in a volume of distilled water using ultrasonic waves, emitted by the vibrator of exponential profile, which is connected to a generator. The oscillation amplitude of the vibrator surface was 30±2 mm, frequency - 20 kHz. Under the influence of cavitation, samples destruction, the magnitude of which was measured by gravimetric method, occurred. Abrasive wear of the samples was measured according to the scheme "plane - disc". The disc is made of rigid abrasive particles. The motion velocity of the disk surface, which is in contact with the sample surface is 4.38 m/s at a sample load of 2.2 N. The mass losses were measured for a fixed time interval. Microhardness was determined using the device PMT-3. It was found that cavitation (Zk) and abrasive (Za) resistances are connected with microhardness (Hμ) of metals by ratios Zk = 2,48·10-2·Нµ1,7 and Za = 2,4·104·Нµ0,92 when measuring Hμ by GPa. For both regression equations, the Pearson correlation coefficient is about 0.99. The data obtained are of scientific and practical importance, especially when selecting materials to create protective coatings for machine parts and mechanisms, operating under the influence of cavitation and abrasive particles.References
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