Study of the effects of ultra-low intensity electromagnetic fields on biological objects




information-wave technology, ultra-low intensity electromagnetic radiation, non-thermal effect, coaxial antenna, pulsed gas discharge


The object of research is the efficiency of exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) of ultra-low intensity on biological objects, which is formed by a generator of broadband radiation. The principle of action of the generator is based on formation of electromagnetic radiation induced by periodic pulsed gas discharge in coaxial system of electrodes, which is loaded on a dielectric rod antenna. The method of selection of signals and corresponding equipment, which energy characteristics of radiation correspond to the criterion of non-thermal influence on bioobjects, is developed for obtaining a comparative assessment of influence bioefficiency. The proposed new method for processing experimental data using statistical calculations that meet the requirements for the processing and interpretation of the results. The seeds of wheat and interaction of millimeter range electromagnetic oscillations with bone marrow cells of rats were used as biological objects for investigating the effect of millimeter range electromagnetic oscillations. A biosensory effect was obtained when exposed to broadband radiation of ultra-low intensity, compared to the control sample. A change in the properties of the seeds, in particular, heat resistance, is observed. According to the experimental data, seeds turn out to be less susceptible to heat as a result of their pretreatment with EMF. The biological response is observed to depend on the frequency and time of irradiation. Also, the dependence of the decrease in the number of dead cells on the time of EMF irradiation was experimentally proved. The equation of dependence of selective average proportion of dead cells in rat bone marrow on irradiation time was calculated. Biosensory effect of exposure to broadband ultra-low intensity EMF of the developed emitter was revealed. It was established and statistically proved that the minimum time with the maximum positive effect of exposure to electromagnetic radiation of millimeter range on bone marrow cells of rats is 30 minutes, compared with an unirradiated sample. The results make it possible to evaluate the positive effect of electromagnetic oscillations on biological objects and propose the results of studies for practical use in the development of medical systems.

Author Biographies

Yuliia Voloshyn, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

Postgraduate Student

Department of Radioelectronic and Biomedical Computerized Means and Technologies

Sergey Kulish, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

PhD, Professor

Department of Radioelectronic and Biomedical Computerized Means and Technologies

Volodymyr Oliinyk, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

PhD, Professor

Department of Radioelectronic and Biomedical Computerized Means and Technologies

Andrei Frolov, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies, Automation and Mechatronics


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How to Cite

Voloshyn, Y., Kulish, S., Oliinyk, V., & Frolov, A. (2021). Study of the effects of ultra-low intensity electromagnetic fields on biological objects. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(1(62), 19–26.



Mechanics: Reports on Research Projects