Industrial waste management on example of Ukraine in the light of achieving sustainable development goals




sustainability, industrial waste management, environmental impact, resource efficient technologies, energy efficient technologies


This study object is industrial waste issue on the example of Ukraine: accumulation level, structure and its treatment possible ways. An analysis of waste sources available statistics on and their quantity was conducted. Іt is considered industrial wastes main component composition and corresponding types processing directions in Ukraine and abroad are analyzed.

It is established the industrial waste accumulation level trends in Ukraine to increase year by year, and it's comparison with Gross Domestic Product shows an raw materials increase in the economy. Minor Downward Trends (2008–2009 and 2014–2016) illustrate decline in the industrial production during respective period. The largest industrial wastes producers are mining and processing industries. Six categories of industrial waste were identified, accounting for 4/5 of their total amount. These are sludge, «tails» and other iron ore wastes, iron ore mining wastes, limestone mining residues and waste from mining operations.

Only iron ore tails enrichment technologies have been implemented at a sufficient level in Ukraine at present, but their processing level in terms of resource and energy savings is insufficient. The large relevant technologies have been introduced outside Ukraine and the most effective are includes maximum processing stages depth and included to technological production cycles.

Based on this study results it is notes the best and most effective in the realities of Ukraine areas of waste management towards the implementation of 17 sustainable development goals are multi-component processing of six main categories of waste from the mining and processing industries. This approach avoids legal conflicts and has the highest environmental and economic effect.

Author Biography

Anatolii Roman, Technical University Metinvest Polytechnic

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Environmental Ecology and Economy


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How to Cite

Roman, A. (2021). Industrial waste management on example of Ukraine in the light of achieving sustainable development goals. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(3(62), 27–32.



Ecology and Environmental Technology: Reports on Research Projects