Development of innovative model of regional management of freshwater resources in conditions of sustainable development
regional management, freshwater resources, innovative model, balanced management, environmental protectionAbstract
In this paper, the object of research is an innovative model of regional management of freshwater resources in the context of achieving environmental goals.
The study found that the most problematic issues are the lack of clear criteria and methodological mechanisms in the formation of the basic innovative principles of freshwater resource management in the context of sustainable development.
When solving the problems posed in the work, the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparative comparison and logical generalization were used. On their basis, the analysis of the main principles of adaptation of the world experience of regional management of freshwater resources in the context of the implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive was carried out and the conceptual foundations for the formation of an innovative model for the management of freshwater resources of territories in the context of sustainable development were developed. A cluster model of a regional innovation-information portal of freshwater resources is proposed, which allows uniting the efforts of public authorities, the population, the public, scientific institutions and business in solving problematic issues related to the ecosystem based on smart technologies in the context of sustainable development. It is determined that for the functioning of the cluster model it is necessary to develop institutional, legislative, regulatory, scientific and innovative, investment support. It is substantiated that the functioning of the cluster model of the regional innovation-information portal of freshwater resources will solve the following problems:
– creation of a unified data bank for monitoring the quality of water resources, the results of scientific and technical activities, business planning and design for the conservation, restoration and purification of water;
– information services in the field of innovation;
– attraction of business representatives to co-financing of innovative projects.
Thanks to the results of the conducted studies, it is possible to more objectively and balanced assess the possible schemes and tools for managing the territory's freshwater resources. The conceptual approach presented in the paper is a rather flexible tool with a free choice of elements of analysis depending on the goals and objects of management.
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