Analysis of ways to improve the efficiency of modern satellite communication systems




satellite communication systems, electronic environment, special purpose information and telecommunication system


Nowadays, the satellite segment in telecommunications occupies an important place and provides positioning of the global coverage system. However, the development of satellite technologies, compared to terrestrial wireless technologies, is slow. For example, the new DVB-S2 (Digital Video Broadcasting via Satellite) satellite standard contains a small number of improvements and refinements over the previous DVB-S standard. The main improvements are the introduction of codes with low density of LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) and the introduction of adaptive modulation and coding. Given the above, the object of research is modern satellite communication system. The subject of the research is the way to increase the efficiency of modern satellite communication systems. The research aims to analyze the feasibility of using a number of effective technologies in modern wireless systems, such as OFDM, UWB and MIMO, in satellite communication systems. The implementation of the considered options for the use of MIMO technology in satellite communication systems will increase the bandwidth and efficiency of these systems. However, there is a need for additional research to adapt this technology in satellite communication systems. Thus, the analysis allows forming the main directions of improving the efficiency of modern satellite communication systems. This analysis allows:

– to formulate new approaches to increase the efficiency of modern satellite communication systems;

– to substantiate new technological solutions for the construction of transceivers of satellite communication systems;

– to identify possible areas of research to improve the efficiency of modern satellite communication systems.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Trotsko, Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after Heroes of Kruty

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Automated Control Systems


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How to Cite

Trotsko, O. (2022). Analysis of ways to improve the efficiency of modern satellite communication systems. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(2(65), 51–56.



Systems and Control Processes: Reports on Research Projects