Research of sound insulation frequency response for a multilayer inhomogeneous wall structures




soundproofing, soundisolation, building regulations, architectural acoustics, building acoustics, building structures, soundproofing structures


The object of research is the amplitude-frequency characteristic of sound insulation of multi-layer heterogeneous structures. One of the most problematic places is the calculation methodology, due to the existence of standards such as ISO, DBN, which have some differences between them, and software, the calculation methodology of which is not fully known, due to the copyright of the latter.

Using the modeling method in the INSUL software complex, the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the sound insulation of the partition walls between the halls were obtained. On-site measurements were carried out on a real object identical to the simulated fence constructions presented by the MULTIPLEX cinema in the DAFI shopping center in Dnipro (Ukraine). The calculation methodology of the INSUL software is completely unknown. According to information from open sources, it can be concluded that linear modeling of the amplitude-frequency characteristic is used. The measurements were carried out according to DBN B.1.1-31:2013. Data obtained theoretically, during modeling, and experimentally are compared with each other. The expediency of taking into account the results obtained with the help of the INSUL software when writing a new methodology for the state standard or for improving the latter is considered. Comparing real and simulated amplitude-frequency characteristics, it is possible to conclude that the INSUL software complex is not accurate at high frequencies. This phenomenon may be related to the inherent resonances of the existing partition, or to the quality of the installation, which can be equated to a setup error, due to the lack of possibility of influencing the quality of the construction process of the measurement object. A possible error occurs when the soundproof partition is violently connected to the existing structures of the building, or due to the presence of resonating technical elements in the cinema hall (air ducts, metal structures of the stage and seats, etc.). This error is not influential due to the not significantly small wavelength in the frequency of 30008000 Hz. Therefore, as a conclusion, the INSUL software can be used in the development of the methodology of state standards for sound insulation in buildings.

Author Biographies

Vladyslav Zaretskyi, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Postgraduate Student

Department of Electronics

Dmytro Bida, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Postgraduate Student

Department of Electronics


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How to Cite

Zaretskyi, V., & Bida, D. (2022). Research of sound insulation frequency response for a multilayer inhomogeneous wall structures. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(2(66), 37–41.



Systems and Control Processes: Reports on Research Projects