Researches of development prospects of knowledge economy in Ukraine
knowledge economy, human capital, information resources, traditional resources, , enterprise, innovationsAbstract
In today's world, there are new trends, one of which is the transformation of knowledge into a key resource of development, globalization of competition based on creating the science- and knowledge-intensive products and services. However, the issues regarding the development and implementation of a knowledge economy in Ukraine remain under-investigated.
The paper considers the nature of the knowledge economy, its impact on economic goods, prospects and directions of formation, implementation and development of the knowledge economy in Ukraine. The theoretical foundations of the knowledge economy were developed, development trends of economic relations under the growing influence of the “knowledge” factor in a modern economy were found and systematized.
The analysis of the knowledge economy peculiarities, which lies in the fact that this economy uses information resources that have specific features and distinguish them from traditional resources was performed.
The paper presents the rating of Ukraine by indices, relating to information and communication technologies. The conditions and new factors of economic growth, the implementation of which is important to achieve progress towards the formation of a knowledge economy in Ukraine were examined. The research on the development prospects of the knowledge economy in Ukraine, conducted in the paper is aimed at promoting economic reforms, namely the formation of favorable conditions for investors in the creation of intellectual products; formation of an effective incentive system of taxation; stabilization of the political situation and so on.References
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