Study of the military actions as factor in the regression of innovative development in Ukraine




introducing innovations, investment attraction, post–war economic, environmental crisis


The object of the study is the state of the economy in which the state of Ukraine got into during the post-pandemic crisis, the conduct of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. The subject of the study is the impact on the development of the economy of innovation and mechanism in the post-war period. The relevance of the study is due to the need to reveal the reasons that negatively affect the creation of an environment attractive for the development of innovations, the mechanism of their implementation, and the attraction of investments for the development of the economy at the appropriate level. It is determined not only by the need to solve local problems to improve individual elements of the economic system, but also by the need to create a complex mechanism for introducing innovations by economic entities.

The results of theoretical studies and practical experience are related to the study of the consequences of economic and political force majeure as a result of the current situation. The leading method of researching this problem is the method of systematization and analysis of theoretical research data, which allows comprehensively revealing the essence and necessity of introducing innovations.

The study is devoted to the economic consequences of the military operations that took place on the territory of Ukraine. There were precedents in history. Peace agreements were reached (the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, which was signed between the victorious countries and Germany, which was recognized as the sole culprit of the war), the reparations of the aggressor country, paid to the countries affected by the war, were aimed at restoring the economy through the introduction of innovations.

The materials of the article are of practical value for those who are interested in economics at the micro level, which are expanding their knowledge in this field. This topic is very important, because innovations play an important role in the development of every company, innovations affect the efficiency of enterprises, and the activities of enterprises affect the development of the economy. The research is aimed at the success and development of the economy of Ukraine.

Author Biography

Oleksandra Hryhorian, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Postgraduate Student

Department of Banking and Financial Services


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Study of the military actions as factor in the regression of innovative development in Ukraine




How to Cite

Hryhorian, O. (2023). Study of the military actions as factor in the regression of innovative development in Ukraine. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(4(69), 30–35.



Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economy