Influence of electrochemically activated water on the physical properties and rheological indicators of meat pates
electrochemically activated water, anolyte, catholyte, starch suspension, rheological indicators, meat pateAbstract
The object of research is the physical properties and rheological indicators of meat pates with corn starch suspensions prepared with activated water. Among the components of the composition of drinking water and food products, there are many substances with particularly inherent biological activity. The biological activity of water is caused by increased electronic or proton activity. Today, various ways of changing properties of water are known, but the most promising reagent-free method is the electrochemical activation of water. As a result of electrochemical treatment of water with an electric current, its electrochemical characteristics change. As a result, electrochemically activated aqueous solutions (catholyte/anolyte) are obtained; the water is saturated with oxygen, accelerates the removal of metabolic waste and promotes the most complete assimilation of nutrients.
The research was aimed at determining the influence of activated water in the composition of starch suspensions on the physical properties and rheological indicators of meat pates with their content. Activated water affects the pH value of pates, which in the meat industry indicates the freshness and quality of meat raw materials and products made from them. Before pasteurization, the pH value for all samples was practically identical. That is, at the initial stage, activated water does not affect the acidity of pates. In the process of storage, the concentration of (H+) ions increases in pates, and the pH shifts to the acidic side. Water activity indicators of pates with starch suspensions on activated water gravitate towards the indicators of pates more than to the indicators of starch, the range for which is within 0.280–0.400. The dependence of the change in shear stress on the relaxation time of pates showed that regardless of the dosage of the starch suspension, the values of the shear stress of the samples on the catholyte in the time range 0–300 s are significantly higher than the values of the samples on the anolyte and tap water. This is explained by the ability of these samples, having acquired the necessary structure, to be less exposed to the external influence of deformation and to keep the structure more intact. The creep curves of all samples testify about the trimodal nature of the classical experimental creep curve. Thus, the electrochemical activation of water modifies the properties of corn starch and significantly affects the rheological indicators of meat pates containing it.
The obtained results can be used in the development of recipes for meat pates and their production at enterprises.
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