Modeling of electric power systems




electric power industry, modeling, materiality in electric power industry, ideological and theoretical model, real-mathematical model


The need to improve the scientific and methodical approach to modeling processes in electrical power systems was substantiated in the paper. Simulation was proposed to perform in two stages. The first is the ideological and theoretical model of the process, which reveals its physical nature and answers the question: How and why? The second is the real-mathematical model, based on the ideological and theoretical model defines numeric values of the characteristics of the process modes and answers the question: How and why so much?

The need for scientific developments of this approach was justified by wide use of purely mathematical calculation methods in the electric power industry, which often leads to the mathematical formalism and making wrong decisions in the real operating conditions of electric power systems.

Since in regulations of the electric power industry there is no definition of matter, which is the basis for the physics of the electric power industry, it is proposed to consider the concept of the physical vacuum with its elementary indivisible particles - phytons, which possess both positive and negative elementary charges and can be the building material of all electrical materials as such.

Based on the ideological and theoretical model of the electric power system, it was proved that even though the reactive energy (power) of the system is created by real values of conduction voltage and current (and active), it is of fluctuating nature. Therefore, electricity of the electric power system is the wave of the polarization energy of its dielectric medium, which runs from the power plant generator to consumers. Physical justification of mathematical calculation methods ensures reliability of models.

Author Biography

Олександр Іванович Дорошенко, Odessa National Polytechnic University, 65044, Ukraine, Odessa, Shevchenko Ave, 1

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of electrical and energy management


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How to Cite

Дорошенко, О. І. (2014). Modeling of electric power systems. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(3(19), 4–8.