Expert aspects of information technologies for evaluation of spectral characteristics of textile materials




information technologies, expert evaluation, color characteristics


Expert aspects of information technologies for evaluation of the spectral characteristics of textile materials are considered in the paper. The main research goal is to develop recommendations on evaluating the results of color reproduction on fabrics with different textures based on the analysis of the results, obtained using computerized evaluation systems, mathematical description and reproduction of color and solving production coloistics problems. To achieve this goal, the empirical results are analyzed, and the main task, namely, to establish an objective quantitative relationship between the fabric texture and spectral characteristics of colors, obtained with direct dyes is solved. It is found that the Gurevich-Kubelka-Munk function values increase when decreasing the thinness of fabric and weaving, which provides a higher reflection coefficient of undyed fabric, in this case, a twill weave. It is shown that color deviation definition in NBS units does not accurately reveal color discrimination. During the examination of the spectral characteristics of textile materials to meet the standards, it is recommended to assess color discrimination not only in NBS units, but also according to the hue. The considered expert aspects of information technologies for evaluation of the spectral characteristics of textile materials allow not only to improve the examination methodology, but also the technological regimes to enhance the production efficiency of textile materials.

Author Biography

Ирина Анатольевна Прохорова, Kherson National Technical University, Berislavske Highway 24, Kherson, Ukraine, 73008

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of expertise, technology and design of textiles


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How to Cite

Прохорова, И. А. (2014). Expert aspects of information technologies for evaluation of spectral characteristics of textile materials. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(3(19), 34–37.