Research of capillary pressure divider for complex throttle circuits
capillary pressure divider, pressure division ratio, pressure change linearity, gas-dynamic synthesizerAbstract
One of the necessary conditions of functioning of complex gas-dynamic systems is maintaining of set pressure or their ratio to throttle elements. Pressure regulators are traditionally used for this purpose. However this problem solution is often costly and inefficient, particularly for systems that require the use of large number of pressure stabilizer. In addition, various exemplars of pressure stabilizers in the circuit operate differently, that lead to disproportionate, often with different sign, changes of gas flow consumption through them, causing significant divergence of stabilized pressure from the given value.
The main variants of pressure dividers and their functional dependence are investigated in the article. They are a series of throttles (e.g., capillary glass tubes). Absolute pressure stabilizer is set in the output of this series. These capillary dividers are characterized by unidirectionality of interthrottle pressure increments. They can provide proportional increases in pressure difference at appropriate design of capillaries. Range boundary of pressure correlation that can provide linear and nonlinear capillary pressure dividers are determined by divider modelling. Proportionality of interthrottle pressure increments of linear dividers allows effective use it in gas-dynamic synthesizers, gas consumption set unit that particularly used for setting of carrier gas consumption and gas chromatograph calibration.
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