Investigetion of methods for production and transportation plans optimization of enterprises taking into account their innovative activity
innovative activity of enterprise, optimization of production plan, transportation plan, and innovative activity planAbstract
In the article, a methodical approach is proposed for optimization of manufacturing and transportation plans of enterprises and companies taking into account their innovation activity. It is based on the classical optimization problems: production planning problem and transportation problem. The main idea of our approach is functional dependence of production and transportation costs on innovative investments. Firstly, the case on single industrial enterprise is studied which manufactures the multi-item finished product, secondly the supply chain is analyzed including besides the enterprise the transport companies and set of destinations (consumers of finished product). In both cases, it is assumed that innovation is connected with the manufacturing technology only. In result, the optimization problems in the field of non-linear (convex) optimization are formulated. The results obtained may be used in the practice of innovation planning of enterprise with application of information technologies.
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