Development of energy controlling conceptual statements




controlling, energy infrastructure, energy management, sustainability, management


Controlling as a modern enterprise management concept is increasingly used to improve the effectiveness of the different departments of enterprise. One of its new directions can become energy controlling. The author's definition of this concept is given in the article.

Energy controlling can’t exist at the enterprise in isolation from the general system of controlling. Based on this, it is allocated the aims of integrated management system of energy infrastructure on the basis of use of controlling main provision and it is shown the energy controlling location in this system. Ensuring continuous improvement of energy management, the company's management should create the conditions for maintaining the stability of the energy infrastructure (balanced social, economic and environmental development). The main tools of controlling are characterized and the possibility of their use in enterprise energy infrastructure management is shown. 

Author Biography

Галина Александровна Пудычева, Odessa National Economic University

PhD student

Economics of Enterprise department


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How to Cite

Пудычева, Г. А. (2014). Development of energy controlling conceptual statements. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(2(19), 39–43.