Justification of the need to modernize the existing central heating points in Ukraine





central heating point, obsolete equipment, modernization, automation, water supply, heat energy, electricity, consumers


The object of the research is central heating points (CTP) in Ukraine. The problem that is being solved in the work is the need to modernize and automate existing CTPs. The importance of the problem is the presence of a large number of CTPs in Ukraine, which require urgent modernization of morally outdated equipment and automation of management of their work modes, which must be carried out in stages without removing them from operational status.

The need for modernization and further automation of the existing CTPs in Ukraine is substantiated, which is that this will allow increasing the efficiency of the CTPs through the use of modern technical equipment, software and trained specialists in the automated management of the process of heat supply to consumers. And it will also allow to reduce the cost of heat supply tariffs due to the reduction of non-production costs and to reduce the number of service personnel who manage work modes in manual mode. During the martial law, the timely resolution of problems with high-quality heat supply of the population acquires special importance.

The result of the conducted research is a theoretical analysis of the quality work of CTPs in the EU countries, realization of their capabilities and prospects for further use in order to transfer their experience to Ukraine. A theoretical analysis of the number and modern technical equipment of CTPs in Ukraine at the present time was also conducted.

As a result of the research conducted on the existing CTPs in Ukraine, a survey of their technical condition was carried out, specific directions for the phased modernization and automation of their equipment were developed and proposed, and additional measures were taken regarding the thermal modernization of main pipelines and modern thermal insulation of buildings and structures.

The possibility of practical implementation – step-by-step modernization and automation of the CTP, increasing the technical and technological capabilities of the equipment and reducing the tariffs for heat and water supply for consumers.

Author Biographies

Igor Nevlyudov, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies, Automation and Robotics

Leonid Ivanov, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics


Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies, Automation and Robotics

Dmytro Yanushkevich, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD, Senior Researcher

Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies, Automation and Robotics

Oleh Hutsa, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Software Engineering and Intelligent Management Technologies


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Justification of the need to modernize the existing central heating points in Ukraine




How to Cite

Nevlyudov, I., Ivanov, L., Yanushkevich, D., Hutsa, O., & Opryshko, Y. (2023). Justification of the need to modernize the existing central heating points in Ukraine. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(1(74), 41–46. https://doi.org/10.15587/2706-5448.2023.293663



Technology and System of Power Supply