Network management of business processes at the industrial enterprises




business process, enterprise, management, network, optimization, efficiency, description, life cycle


The use of the classification of business processes at industrial enterprise in stages of the life cycle is discussed and some research results in this area are given in this article. The main purpose of research is developing a network of business processes on the machinery enterprise and analysis of dedicated macro-processes and business processes with a view to further streamline and improve the efficiency of their management. The methodological approaches to the classification of business processes on different grounds, and the need to study the business processes in time and space, using the life-cycle process, are discussed in this article.

The presented methodical approach to network construction of business processes enables to analyze the resulting network by expert diagnosis on the basis of empirical data. Using the business process management diagram, depending on the stage at which it is located, we allow to optimize the constructed network by its restructuring, and to improve the internal business processes according to the aims of enterprise. The presented methodical approach is recommended to use at the enterprises when the main strategic directions of its development is innovation. The research results can be used by managers of industrial enterprises involved in strategic planning, as well as increasing the enterprise efficiency.

Author Biography

Елена Анатолиевна Лысенко, National University of Food Technology, 68, Volodymyrska str. 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor

Department of Management 


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How to Cite

Лысенко, Е. А. (2014). Network management of business processes at the industrial enterprises. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(2(20), 4–7.