Development of high-speed algorithm for binomial arithmetic addition




binary binomial numbers, arithmetic addition, binomial arithmetic addition algorithms, dynamic array


The object of research is the method and algorithm of arithmetic addition of binomial numbers generated by binary binomial counting systems. The lack of binomial arithmetic, in particular the operation of adding binary binomial numbers, in a certain way prevents their introduction into information systems and the construction of information and communication technologies based on them for combinatorial optimization, generation of combinatorial objects, data compression and encryption.

In the framework of the proposed approach, instead of operating with binomial coefficients, only operations with their upper and lower parameters are carried out. At the same time, the weighting coefficients of binary binomial numbers, which are added to each other, are represented in the form of two-component tuples. Taking this into account, this paper presents an algorithm for binomial arithmetic addition using dynamic arrays.

The main idea, which is included in the structure of the algorithm of binomial arithmetic addition based on dynamic arrays, is that the transition from a two-dimensional model of summation to a one-dimensional one is carried out. At the same time, only available, existing binomial coefficients are placed in the dynamic array. Accordingly, the search for binomial coefficients equal to or greater than the quantitative equivalent takes place in much smaller areas. In comparison with the algorithm based on matrix models, this quite significantly reduces the amount of time spent when performing the summation operation, and also reduces the requirements for the amount of memory required for placing two-component tuples of the assembly array.

In the course of the research, a several-fold decrease in the number of machine cycles required to search for the necessary elements in the dynamic array was practically confirmed. This leads to an increase in the performance of the presented algorithm of binomial arithmetic addition based on dynamic arrays. In turn, this leads to the acceleration of solving information tasks of combinatorial optimization, generation of combinatorial objects, data compression and encryption, for the solution of which the operation of adding binary binomial numbers is used.

Author Biographies

Igor Kulyk, Sumy State University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Electronics and Computer Technics

Maryna Shevchenko, Sumy State University

PhD, Assistant

Department of Electronics and Computer Technics

Anatolii Melnyk, Research Center of Missile Troops and Artillery

Senior Researcher

Tetyana Protasova, Sumy State University

Senior Lecturer

Department of Electronics and Computer Technics


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Development of high-speed algorithm for binomial arithmetic addition




How to Cite

Kulyk, I., Shevchenko, M., Melnyk, A., & Protasova, T. (2024). Development of high-speed algorithm for binomial arithmetic addition. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(2(76), 25–31.



Information Technologies