Determination of the limits of operational loads of rubber shock absorbers during compression
rubber shock absorber, vibration insulator, operational loads, static compression, rubber hardness, shock absorber bendingAbstract
Determining the limits of operational loads of rubber shock absorbers is an urgent task in the development of methods of non-destructive control of their condition. Therefore, the object of research is the influence of the limit values of the parameters of rubber shock absorbers during their static compression under harsh operating conditions. One of the most problematic issues is cylindrical shock absorbers with a form factor of less than 1.0.
In the work, rubber shock absorbers of different hardness were used, which are model samples for tests of cylindrical shock absorbers with a form factor of 0.42, which were carried out on a laboratory stand. The study of compression process of rubber shock absorbers is an urgent task in modelling the conditions of their operation. The obtained results make it possible to simulate the most effective diagnostic parameter of rubber shock absorbers during compression and to establish its limit and permissible values. It has been established that different rubber hardnesses provide different compression rates, which can be used to study non-destructive testing of shock absorbers, especially under which conditions they can be used in practice. According to the indicators of relative deformation during compression, the use of rubber shock absorbers from the group of high hardness is recommended for more severe load conditions during exploitation. Soft and medium-hard rubbers are characterized by an increased relative deformation of the shock absorber's geometric size (height) during compression, which can lead to their destruction under increased loads.
The obtained results on model samples can be checked on rubber shock absorbers manufactured in industrial conditions. The conducted research allows to create methods of choosing rubber shock absorbers for certain operating conditions depending on the coefficient of its shape. Limits of indicators simulating operating loads for different types of rubber shock absorbers have been established, which can be used when choosing a type of rubber for certain load conditions, and choosing a reinforcing material for the rubber array of the shock absorber and its shape.
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