Evaluation of the effect of airplanes on the environment on the example of Boeing 747 and Boeing 757
emissions, Boeing aircraft, environment, noise pollution, environmental pollutionAbstract
The object of research is the impact of airplanes on the environment. Aviation is an area of our life that has been developing faster and faster every year for more than a century. Accordingly, aircraft have a negative impact on the surrounding natural environment, and therefore the assessment of their impact on nature and people is an important and integral component of research in the field of ecology and sustainable development. In particular, the airplanes produced by Boeing are among those that are most widely used in both passenger and cargo air transportation, so a study was conducted on their example.
In the study, calculation methods were used to estimate the load on the surrounding natural environment from the operation of Boeing 747 and Boeing 757 aircraft, based on the declared characteristics of emissions from the engines of these aircraft.
The study shows that every aircraft has a certain negative impact on the environment due to the emission of pollutants during all phases of flight. However, there are opportunities to minimize this impact by implementing more complete fuel combustion, replacing standard fuels such as aviation kerosene with more modern fuels, reducing the weight of the aircraft, which will lead to lower fuel consumption and, accordingly, lower emissions into the atmosphere. Also effective is the introduction of technologies to reduce the noise load from the operation of aircraft, such as the introduction of noise-protective coverings of runways, new materials for the production of aircraft engines, as well as changing the design of engines and the use of double-circuit scheme.
The work assessed the impact of aircraft on the environment and the effectiveness of environmental protection measures using the example of the operation of Boeing 747 and Boeing 757 aircraft, and developed proposals for the implementation of environmental protection and technical measures to reduce this impact.
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