Science parks: analysis of international experience and development prospects in Ukraine




post-war reconstruction of the country, science parks, «Science Quarter», Kharkiv science park


The object of the research is the issues related to the creation of science parks in Ukraine at a new level in the process of its post-war reconstruction. In this paper, the main focus is on the analysis of the very concept of «science park» and the experience of some international ones, which are most suitable for the domestic plans for the transformation of the Ukrainian economy and its social infrastructure. Also researched the initiative of the Kharkiv city government to create the so-called «science quarter», which would absorb all the best that exists in the world in the field of science parks, and would have its own «highlight». As a result of this study, it was established that the creation and functioning of science parks is an important component of the modern world economy, which should be given serious attention in the process of post-war transformation of the Ukrainian economy. Moreover, the process of developing a strategy for the construction of such science parks should be started now, without waiting for the end of the war. A good example of this is the start of work on the project to create a science park in Kharkiv called «Science Quarter» as part of the development of a city recovery plan with the help of specialists from various international organizations, universities, banks and funds. The article analyses the activities of some similar science parks in Poland, which can be used as a guide in this process, and provides recommendations for the improvement and enhancement of certain basic elements of the future Kharkiv science park. As a result, it was concluded that thanks to the hard work of the city authorities with the support of international institutions, active work is being done to develop a city reconstruction strategy at a fundamentally new level in Kharkiv, within which a significant place is given to the implementation of the «Science Quarter» project. The success of the latter will depend not only on the experienced team of specialists implementing this project and the receipt of the necessary funding, but also, first of all, on the success of our defenders in repelling russian aggression.

Author Biographies

Viktoriia Prokhorova, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,  Head of Department

Department of Economics and Management

Yuliia Us, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy

PhD, Professor

Department of Economics and Management

Boris Yukhnov, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Economics and Management

Serhii Rudas, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy


Department of Pedagogy, Methods and Management of Education

Veronika Slastianykova, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy

Department of Pedagogy, Methods and Management of Education


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Science parks: analysis of international experience and development prospects in Ukraine




How to Cite

Prokhorova, V., Us, Y., Yukhnov, B., Rudas, S., & Slastianykova, V. (2024). Science parks: analysis of international experience and development prospects in Ukraine. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(4(77), 39–46.



Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economy