Identification of the role of intellectual property in the startup projects management system




entrepreneurship, innovation activity, startup, startup project management, intellectual property, intellectual property rights


The object of the research in the paper is intellectual property as one of the key resources of startup projects. The research is aimed at providing the understanding of intellectual property role in ensuring the efficiency of startup projects management and overcoming its undervaluing. Current conditions of Ukrainian enterprises functioning demand the search of effective tools for forming competitive advantages and ensuring the recovery of economy, that emphasizes the necessity of innovation activity activation. The study focused on startup projects as one of the forms of activation of innovation activity. The author proposed the definition of a startup as a temporary structure (organized in the form of a business entity and/or project), which has innovative characteristics of the business model, generates an innovative product and is aimed at significant growth and scaling. Startup projects have their peculiarities which influence the respective management system. On the basis of the conducted research the directions of startup projects management were identified, one of which is the management of startup project resources. Intellectual property, in its turn, is one of the key resources of startup projects considering the innovative nature of their business models. Efficient management of the intellectual property objects is capable of forming significant advantages for the startup project, which will result in its performance indicators. The main directions of intellectual property management in startup projects include development of intellectual property, market analysis, protection of intellectual property rights, commercialization of intellectual property rights. Ensuring the efficiency of the intellectual property management provides for the observance of relevant principles, the main of which include the principles of systematicity, reasonableness, efficiency, alternativeness, ensuring development, adaptability, social responsibility. The obtained research results will contribute to increasing the awareness of startup founders regarding the role and peculiarities of management of intellectual property.

Author Biography

Kateryna Orlova, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University


Department of Management, Business and Marketing Technologies


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Identifying the role of intellectual property in the startup projects management system




How to Cite

Orlova, K. (2024). Identification of the role of intellectual property in the startup projects management system. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(4(78), 6–10.



Economics and Enterprise Management