Determination of the density of the surface which is exposed to various working bodies of the vibration plate VP-10




vibration, vibration installation, vibration amplitude, vibration exciter, mathematical analysis, vibration machine


The object of research is a vibrating plate with interchangeable working bodies developed by the authors. Vibrating plates are an integral part of small mechanization equipment and are mainly intended for layer-by-layer compaction of various materials, such as sand, gravel, bituminous mixtures, etc. Vibration compaction methods are widely used in the construction of road surfaces and other infrastructure facilities. Self-propelled vibrating slabs are also used effectively in other construction processes such as compaction, trench reinforcement, land work and laying paving slabs. They ensure effective compaction of materials due to vibration.

This paper is aimed at determining the optimal equipment for compaction of materials during the construction of small objects. Analyzing the characteristics of the machines that most affect the quality of compaction, it is also necessary to evaluate their influence in specific conditions. Studies show that for each type of material, a special working body should be selected, taking into account the specific conditions and requirements for compaction, to ensure optimal quality of work.

The authors seek to consider the selection of vibrating plates and their working bodies that best meet the requirements and needs of compaction of various materials on limited construction sites. The analysis of different types of working bodies for different surfaces helps to improve the compaction process and provides optimal conditions for different types of building materials, taking into account their unique properties.

The paper examines the influence of the working body on the processed environment, in particular, analyzes the ability of various factors to influence the quality of material compaction. Special attention is paid to the influence of the geometry and size of the contact area on the sealing efficiency of each material type. Overall, this analysis can significantly improve material compaction strategies in the construction industry, contributing to improved construction quality.

Author Biographies

Andrii Yakovenko, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

PhD Student

Department of Branch Machinery and Mechatronics

Oleksii Vasyliev, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

PhD, Assistant Professor

Department of Branch Machinery and Mechatronics


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Determination of the density of the surface which is exposed to various working bodies of the vibration plate VP-10




How to Cite

Yakovenko, A., & Vasyliev, O. (2024). Determination of the density of the surface which is exposed to various working bodies of the vibration plate VP-10. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(1(78), 26–31.