Consideration of ways to improve the efficiency of deep well drilling
well, drilling, dynamic state, screw amplifier, mechanical speed, deepening per runAbstract
The object of the research is the composition of the bottom of the drill string when installing screw amplifiers. One of the biggest problems is the place of installation of the screw amplifier in the arrangement of the bottom of the drill string and its influence on the dynamic properties of the rock-crushing tool.
The results of the study of the influence of the use of a screw amplifier on the efficiency of drilling deep wells were obtained. According to the results of research, it was determined in particular that the imposition of vibrations often causes a change in the nature of the interaction of the bit with the hole rock, therefore, the installation of the amplifier at different points of the layout will have different effects on the drilling performance. It is shown that the kinetic energy accumulated by the weighted drill pipes, when the amplifier is installed above the bit, is transmitted through the screw mechanism to the rock-destroying tool (bit) and is an operation that leads to an increase in drilling performance.
Thanks to the conducted research, it has been proven that the property of the drill string elements and the disturbances of the oscillatory processes of various nature acting on them are related to the dynamic loading of its elements due to the installation of the amplifier in different places of the layout of the bottom of the string. This is due to the fact that the proposed screw amplifier is used with a friction fuse, which causes the rotary movement of the screw under the action of the torque and the translational movement of the nut together with the overbit mass attached to the bit.
In most practical cases, especially during deep drilling, bits fail due to the destruction of the rolling bearings of the roller bit, which leads to jamming of the roller bit and leaving them in the holes. For practical use, the proposed design uses a friction fuse, which connects the bit to the drill pipe column through an elastic element. Analytical studies and performed calculations show that this screw amplifier will effectively ensure the destruction of any rocks, especially during overloads without slippage of reaches and be used for the construction of wells in native mining and geological conditions.
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