Methods of parallel text data clustering algorithm implementation




parallel calculations, clustering, Maximin, algorithmization, productivity


The general algorithm of the organization of parallel calculations is considered. The features of the organization of process of parallel calculations are given; the criteria indicating ability of algorithm to representation in a parallel form are defined. The information concerning algorithm of Maximin is provided, the software for algorithms parallelization is considered. The version of the specified algorithm constructed on the basis of parallel calculations is developed. The problem of a clustering by means of parallel calculations with use of Maximin algorithm is solved, it is possible thanks to existence of at least two operations with uncorrelated results in algorithm. Parallel implementation of calculations shows the reduction of time of algorithm execution even with two processors. It is proved that the increase in productivity of algorithm depends linearly on the number of calculators increasing. The results received in work confirm expediency of use of parallel implementation of Maximin algorithm that in turn increases efficiency of data clustering process. 

Author Biography

Юрій Вікторович Волосюк, Mykolaiv branch of European University, 5/1Buznika St., Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 54097

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Informatics and socially-humanitarian disciplines


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How to Cite

Волосюк, Ю. В. (2015). Methods of parallel text data clustering algorithm implementation. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(2(21), 34–37.



Information Technologies: Original Research