Increasing the viability of thermally loaded detector array
operability, reliability, thermally loaded elements, signal, interpolationAbstract
The causes of distortion of the laser beam as it passes through the atmospheric channel are presented. It is shown that for industrial lasers used for cutting of materials, beam spreading reduces the density of the power distribution across the beam, which changes the nature of radiation interaction with the processed surface. Control by density distribution over the cross section of the radiation beam is an actual problem that improves the quality of processing of the material and reduces the required energy.
It is noted that the control system of the laser power density distribution containing matrix power meter with thermoelectric coolers, thermal control receivers when measure high radiation intensities, have significantly lower values of reliability, since the failure rate depends on the thermal load and decreases by orders of magnitude compared to rated load. Failure of the matrix element leads to the formation of incorrect control to the executive body of the change in the shape of the laser beam.
It is analyzed an approach to increase the viability of the matrix thermally loaded detector based on the dependence of the response elements of the matrix and its environment, that allow to ensure the correct reaction of control system in case of failure of the elements of perception of input information. The model means providing a visual representation of the results are developed. It is shown that the information methods can improve the viability of the system.
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