Evaluation method of the actual technical state of biomedical equipment in the process of exploitation
biomedical equipment, actual technical condition, manufacturing technology, information technology, evaluation parameters, automated complexAbstract
The materials of the article puts the task of improving the quality of repair work by building an effective method for estimating the actual technical condition of biomedical equipment, the practical implementation of which can be accomplished through the introduction of automation in the repair process. Specifically, the efficiency of the assessment process of technical state of biomedical equipment depends on the degree of volume optimization of control parameters that may be obtained by modelling the processes of its functioning. The basic steps of implementation of assessment method of the actual technical state of biomedical equipment are shown. It was found that the quantity and quality structure of parameters to assess the technical condition defines: operability control, diagnostics and forecasting of technical condition and application efficiency of means of evaluation of technical condition. It is proved that the information content, as well as the accuracy of the selected set of parameters is a prerequisite for the transition of repairs and maintenance for the actual technical condition.
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