Research methods of statistical characteristics of CCD-measurement of position and brightness of the Solar system objects
CCD-measurement, MPC, Minor Planet Checker, NASA HORIZONS, evaluation of indicators accuracyAbstract
It is proposed a set of methods to assess the statistical properties of CCD-measurement of the Solar system. As data sources are used the Series of CCD-frames of asteroid surveys, as well as Internet services: archive MPC, Minor Planet Checker, service NASA HORIZONS. They are processed by CoLiTec software.
The proposed methods investigate the average deviation and standard deviation of the estimates between the equatorial coordinates of catalog and the measured values, the coefficients of skewness and kurtosis of estimates of equatorial coordinates of objects. The developed methods allow us to investigate the accuracy of performance of the software used by astronomers for astrometry of small bodies of the Solar system, and also to investigate the statistical characteristics of estimates of position and brightness of asteroids that are stored in the archive MPC or contained in CCD-dimensions, the relevant personnel investigated; as well as quality indicators to detect the objects in the Solar system.
As part of the research, the proposed methods are implemented by the authors in a research software tool SSOAnSe, which is the first tool with similar functions. SSOAnSe allows the analysis, including operational, an expanded set of indicators measuring accuracy and quality of the discovery of asteroids in the extension set of analyzed subsamples of measurements and frames.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Михаил Михайлович Безкровный, Анна Николаевна Дашкова, Наталья Сергеевна Соковикова, Вадим Евгеньевич Саваневич, Александр Борисович Брюховецкий

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