Research of state of modern protection technologies of electronic transactions




protection of electronic transactions in payment systems, SET technology, 3-D Secure technology


The article deals with modern technology to protect the electronic transactions in payment systems, in particular, solutions on the base of SET and 3-D Secure technologies.

Development of forms of electronic payments leads to an increase in fraudulent transactions. The fraudulent practices are improving all the time that requires the use of modern security protocols of electronic transactions in payment systems. Protection technology is also developing rapidly that leads to the need for further study of this issue in order to improve security protocols during internet acquiring.

The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of SET and 3-D Secure technologies and draw conclusions about the state of modern security protocols of electronic transaction.

Elimination of identified deficiencies increases the security of transactions during the Internet acquiring.

Author Biography

Олена Олегівна Йона, Odessa National Economic University, Preobrajenskaya St., 8, Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

Teacher, competitor

Department of Information Systems in the economy


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How to Cite

Йона, О. О. (2015). Research of state of modern protection technologies of electronic transactions. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(6(22), 42–44.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research