Methods of etiological diagnostic of export and import activities of enterprises




etiological diagnosis method, export and import activities of enterprises, factors of influence


Research and mechanisms to implement procedures of etiological diagnosis of export and import activities of enterprises is an important element of development of modern economics over the possibility of such diagnostics to identify the problems and prospects of business operation in future periods. In the absence of economic works on implementation of mechanisms of etiological diagnosis of entrepreneurial activity, it requires a comprehensive research and development of basic concepts.

The basic methods of etiological diagnosis of export and import activity are systematized in the paper. It is analyzed the literature on the semantic content of the term "economic method of diagnosis" and views of several authors on classification of economic diagnosis methods of entrepreneurial activity. Also, the definition of the term "method of the etiologic diagnosis of entrepreneurial activity" is defined and the main factors influencing the choice of appropriate and reasonable-situationally methods of etiological diagnosis are defined and described.


Author Biography

Мар’яна Ярославівна Нагірна, Lviv Polytechnic National University, S. Bandery 12, Lviv, Ukraine, 79013

PhD student

Department of foreign economic and custom activity


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How to Cite

Нагірна, М. Я. (2015). Methods of etiological diagnostic of export and import activities of enterprises. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(6(22), 45–49.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research