Process-oriented approach in the management of intellectual property of enterprises




management, functional approach, system approach, situational approach, process-oriented approach, intellectual property


The difficult economic situation of many domestic enterprises, need to increase their competitiveness on the available markets require qualitatively new approaches to the organization of their activities. Particularly close attention is required regarding the new processes for domestic enterprises, aimed at establishing intellectual property.

The importance for activation of these processes has approaches and methods of effective control. Use basic management approaches (functional, system, situational and process) was appropriate and effective at certain stages of development of the economy and enterprises. It has certain advantages and disadvantages.

The features of the process-oriented approach to management are investigated. The basic obstacles in the use of the process approach in the management of domestic enterprises are revealed. The necessity of the application of the process approach in the management of intellectual property companies is substantiated.

The results of the research can be implemented in practice in the activities of domestic enterprises in the process of intellectual property.

Author Biography

Валентина Григорьевна Семенова, Odessa National Economics University, Transfiguration 8, Odessa, Ukraine, 65082

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Business Economy


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How to Cite

Семенова, В. Г. (2015). Process-oriented approach in the management of intellectual property of enterprises. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(5(23), 45–50.