Increase of safety of electric energy usage in coal mines




electricity, power supply, mine, explosion, cutoff, center of the fire, short circuit, magnetic station


The work is devoted to the creation of ultrafast device for protecting electrical networks in hazardous industries, such as coal mines, from the emergency operation of short circuit. For response time to ensure the unit up to 100 microseconds, as the drive of the contact group was used electro effects - electric emplosion. Switching devices such working one-sticks, until recently was not in the world practice.

The results will help to reduce the probability of occurrence in coal mines dangerous on gas and dust of man-made accidents (explosions and fires), with heavy technical and social consequences.

In addition, a similar device can be effectively used in the chemical, petrochemical and other industries in which the possible presence of an explosive or the environment.

Author Biographies

Анатолий Григорьевич Мнухин, Zaporizhia State Engineering Academy, ave. Lenina 222, Zaporizhia, Ukraine, 69006

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences

Academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine

Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine

Academician of the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions

Honored inventor of Ukraine

Professor of the Department

Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics 

Игор Вячеславович Иорданов, Closed Joint Stock Company "TETZ-INVEST" (Torez electrotechnical plant), 86603, Donetsk region

Academician of the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions




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How to Cite

Мнухин, А. Г., & Иорданов, И. В. (2015). Increase of safety of electric energy usage in coal mines. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(1(24), 24–28.