Methodological approaches to the evaluation of the level of economic safety of building industry enterprises


  • Катерина Сергіївна Дяченко O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkіv, st. Revolution 12, Kharkіv, Ukraine, 61000, Ukraine



economic security, economic security assessment, evaluation methods, building industry


The existing methodological approaches to assessing the level of economic security are analyzed and systematized in the article, as well as their adaptation is presented with industry-specific features to the operation of building companies as a strategically important objects of the economy, which will create a reliable and effective system of economic security.

During the study the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists to develop theoretical and methodological framework for assessing the level of economic security are summarized. The structure of economic security in industry-sectoral aspects is proposed. The existing approaches and methods of domestic and foreign scientists to the evaluation of the level of economic security are considered. The methodological approaches to determining the level of economic security with industry-specific features and economic activities of enterprises of building industry are separated and analyzed; revealed an urgent need to develop the best approach to the assessment of the level of economic safety of building companies is revealed. There are take into account: the stock of financial strength of the enterprise; optimal capital structure; a condition in which the amount of money for all the contracts shall not exceed the cost of equity; taking into account changes in the rate of labor productivity in industry (special activity); changes in profitability and inflation index (the price of building materials) and others.

Author Biography

Катерина Сергіївна Дяченко, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkіv, st. Revolution 12, Kharkіv, Ukraine, 61000

An applicant for a degree candidate of economic sciences

Department of Economics municipal companies


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How to Cite

Дяченко, К. С. (2015). Methodological approaches to the evaluation of the level of economic safety of building industry enterprises. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(5(24), 31–36.