Technology audit intellectual product: the commercial potential of the consumer


  • Олександра Петрівна Косенко National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 61002, Kharkov, Frunze St., 21, Ukraine



market, intellectual technology, consumer, technological leverage, the commercial potential


It is shown that the available research has focused on determining the commercial potential of intelligent technology enterprise, which itself has created and uses these technologies. It is proved that no less important is the identification of commercial opportunities and potential consumer technology product. The article proves that an important indicator of market opportunities of intelligent technology is the method of valuation of patents weighted by citations. As evaluation criterion is proposed to use technological lever, which reproduces a measure of the ability of innovative companies to the use of products of intellectual labor. Proved that the concept of the technological position of the lever can be effectively used in the case of conducting transfer operations. The proposed methodological approaches to determine the commercial possibilities of intelligent technology for the consumer. Determined the main directions of the proposals, which are most effective for engineering enterprises.

Author Biography

Олександра Петрівна Косенко, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 61002, Kharkov, Frunze St., 21

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Economics and Marketing


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How to Cite

Косенко, О. П. (2015). Technology audit intellectual product: the commercial potential of the consumer. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(5(24), 37–42.