Improvement of the instrumental and technological design process of granule formation in the production of fertilizer grade «Superagro N: P 10:40»


  • Сергей Владимирович Дудка PJSC "Ukrhimproekt", Ukraine



Granulation and drying, commodity fraction


Improvement of the instrumental and technological design process of granule formation in the production of fertilizer grade «Superagro N: P 10:40» is proposed in the thesis. The results of pilot-scale tests are given

Author Biography

Сергей Владимирович Дудка, PJSC "Ukrhimproekt"

Leading іnzhener


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How to Cite

Дудка, С. В. (2012). Improvement of the instrumental and technological design process of granule formation in the production of fertilizer grade «Superagro N: P 10:40». Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(2(5), 23–24.