Cross-border cooperation of alternative energy enterprises on the basis of sustainable development
cross-border cooperation, sustainable development, business, alternative energyAbstract
The basis of cross-border cooperation and components of sustainable development is developed. Region bordering European countries, Russia and Belarus are chosen. Group 1 and Group 2 of the regions according to their geographical location and cross-border cooperation are determined. To implement methodical approach to determine the characteristics of alternative energy companies with regard to cross-border cooperation the features of economic development of certain groups of regions taking into account the gravity model are investigated. The correlation of alternative energy companies in the investigated groups of the regions is determined. Indexes of sustainable development, quality of life and investment attractiveness of the regions in the study group are analyzed. As a result of the investigation it is determined that in the Group 1 is more alternative energy companies, they develop that fits into the concept of sustainable development. In Group 1 the sustainable development indicators higher than in Group 2, confirming the importance of energy conservation. In turn, this affects the increase of investment attractiveness. This study shows that it is important to develop areas which have borders with other European countries, contributing to the deepening international cooperation and strengthen competitive advantage.
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