Research of dynamics and structure of budget support measures of agricultural production in Ukraine
budget expenses, financial support, budgetary payments, direct payments, market price support, subsidiesAbstract
The article analyzes the dynamics of state support of agricultural producers of Ukraine for the years 1995-2012 on the basis of indicators for assessing public support developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. It was found that the greatest impact on the level of producer support in Ukraine have indirect support activities, namely market price support, which mainly has a negative value. Budget payments do not compensate the negative market price support. In recent years, there was a trend of decline in the support provided in the forms, the most trade-distorting. Among the measures of budget support is dominated by subsidies for use of resources. A comparison of the declared in the State Budget of Ukraine to support the agricultural sector amounts to the actual budget payments is conducted. Underfunding is established in most areas of support. The study showed that the main burden of supporting agricultural producers passed on the consumers. It was found that government policies of supporting producers in Ukraine are chaotic, solving the current problems, which is not conducive to the effective development of the agricultural sector.
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