Optimization of supporting processes of machining taking into account organizational and technological costs
machining, auxiliary time, machine and handmade work, multi-machine industrial complexAbstract
It was developed the model to optimize the organizational and technological structures by synchronizing processing of parts implemented in multi-machine complex. Its structure includes a microstructure formation technique of technological method, transition, method of accounting indicators of change of employer’s work capacity during of shift, optimization model of organizational and technological costs.
The feasibility of using this model can be dictated by the need to maximize the profitability of the production process, in which you need to seek the optimal combination of performance and its cost. In the conditions of multiproduct manufacturing start schedule compression must be substantiated by sufficiently precise figures of projected time-consuming. The complexity and value, in these circumstances, is the definition of time-consuming preparation of strokes carried out by worker.
As a result, it has established the degree of influence on the cost of such factors as: lot resistance, limiting the type of instruments and mutual accommodation of multi-machine complex for different types of parts. With this information, it can be managed calendar production plans, the parameters of lots of details in the treatment process, to form a group of technology and organizing subject-enclosed areas. All this will contribute to the development of route in a low-volume production.
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