Vibration influence research on melt jet hydrodynamics of nitrogen fertilizer production vibro-granulators
vibro-granulator, granule, disk-emitter, oscillations, hydrodynamics, liquid jetAbstract
This article discusses the use of vibro-granulators in the chemical industry and some results of theoretical research in this field. The main purpose of the study is to optimize the device operation by examining the effect of disk-emitter for creating periodic oscillations of the device basket to change the pressure in the flowing fluid streams. The solution of the Navier-Stokes equations to describe the hydrodynamics of axisymmetric jet allows obtaining expressions for the pressure, axial and radial velocity as a function of time and distance. Consideration of the solution with the initial conditions, which are determined by the hydrodynamics of the internal device and the boundary conditions for the jet, allows obtaining an expression for the pressure. The presented method makes it possible to determine the impact of the characteristics of the disk-emitter of the vibro-granulators on the pressure in the jets, which determines the physics of the collapse them into individual droplets. The optimal choice of parameters according to the received results allows obtaining monodisperse droplets and beads, which significantly improves the quality of the finished product. We propose to use the study according to the calculation of hydrodynamic jets issuing from basket of vibro-granulator, which uses disk-emitter to create vibrations. The research results can be used by design engineers and technologists involved in the design and operation of new and modernization of existing production of mineral fertilizers.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Всеволод Иванович Склабинский, Максим Сергеевич Скиданенко, Андрей Николаевич Демченко

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